Wednesday 20 March 2013

Dead Porpoise, Peacehaven

A dead stranding of a Harbor in Porpoise, Peacehaven, just the other side of Brighton in East Sussex.
Report and pictures from Elaine, British Divers Marine Life Rescue


Paolo said...

How big was it?
Hard to tell from this picture.

Elaine Brown said...

It was a sub adult. I had my tape measure with me and it measured exactly 40 inches long. CSIP (Cetacean Stranding Investigation Program) did a PM on this harbour porpoise as well as 8 others that stranded over the past few weeks. Basically what they said was that most of the ones they'd examined had died from infectious diseases and that the mortality rate was higher this year due to the cold water being an additional stressor and causing more deaths then usual. Elaine Brown, BDMLR

Caroline said...

a metre then :)

Elaine Brown said...

Yes Caroline, that's correct, it was a metre long :) Adult seals are 3.5 metres long so this one wasn't fully grown yet.

Elaine Brown said...

Sorry, I meant to say 'adult harbour porpoises' are 3.5 metres, for some reason I just seem to have seals on my mind! lol